Doctors practicing from our rooms may provide psychiatric assessments and evidence-based treatment plans.

Do you or someone that you care for have a mental illness that requires specialist psychiatric assessment? Contact the Evallies rooms today for more information about doctors practicing from our rooms to see if someone is available to help you.
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Adult Psychiatric Assessment & Opinion
Doctors working at our rooms
Doctors practicing at our rooms provide a range of clinical services to their clients.
Dr. Robert Gillies (OAM) is a Medical Doctor (MBBS Hons) and Psychiatrist (FRANZCP) with a Master of Psychiatric Medicine (MPM) and Bachelor of Medical Science (BMedSc Hons). Dr. Gillies provides a number of services from his consulting suite at Evallies, including specialist autism assessments, support to people with obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD), and specialised assessments for treatment planning with adults (details below).
Adult Psychiatric Assessments
If you or someone you know is seeking a psychiatric diagnosis and advice regarding medication, talk-therapy and/or lifestyle treatments, a doctor may be able to help. Doctors practicing from our rooms may be able to provide a comprehensive psychiatric assessment, which can occur over either one or more separate hour-long appointments (via Telehealth, if preferred, or through the Evallies facilities). During the assessment, the psychiatrist will conduct a comprehensive psychiatric review and then will often also produce a written report addressed to you and your GP. Such reports would aim to outline any mental health diagnoses that apply, and make recommendations for evidence-based treatments or therapies. Treatment is then prescribed and organised by your GP and a clinical psychologist.
Common Mental Health Issues
Doctors practicing from our rooms can diagnose a range of mental health conditions, which may include those listed below. Each doctor practicing from our rooms has a unique scope of practice and can let you know whether they offer support for the following conditions:
Anxiety Disorders (including Generalised Anxiety Disorder, Agoraphobia, Social Anxiety Disorder, Panic Disorder, and Phobic Anxiety)
Obsessive Compulsive Disorders (including Body Dysmorphia and OCD)
Bipolar Affective Disorders (including BPAD Type 1 and Type 2)
Schizophrenic Disorders (including Delusional Disorder and Schizophrenia)
Adjustment Disorders (including Burnout Conditions and Acute Stress)
Trauma Disorders (including PTSD and Complex-PTSD)
Dissociative Disorders (including Amnesia and Dissociative Identity)
Insomnia and Sleep Disorders (Primary and Secondary Insomnia)
Somatic Symptom Disorders (including Chronic Pain and Somatoform)
Personality Disorders (including Borderline and Narcissistic Personality)
Addiction or Impulsivity Conditions (Drug and Alcohol Use Disorders)
Eating Disorders (including Anorexia Nervosa and Bulimia Nervosa)

Resources for Adults and Adolescents.
Below is a collection of articles produced by Dr Robert Gillies for adults with a mental health condition. These resources aim to provide basic education about diagnoses and psychiatric treatments, as well as answer frequently asked questions about a range of mental illnesses that doctors using our rooms may treat.